Graphic Design

Bold and beautiful stuff

The Rail Yard

8.5" x 11" Flyer

Allied Health Career Fair

8.5" x 11" Flyers

Bystander Intervention

8.5" x 11" Factsheets

2020 Women's Retreat

11" x 17" Brochure

Grow With Second Leaf

Die-Cut Business Card

Botanical Banners

Light Pole Banners

Ignite Banners

Vertical Vinyl Banners

Evolution Conference

PowerPoint Presentation

Botanical Backgrounds

20 Custom PowerPoint Backgrounds

HP Babyshower Invite

Invite with a Hogwarts Crest

Victorian Violinist

Outdoor Banner

Directory Maps

Acrylic Signs

TheBurg Ads

4.25" x 5.25" Print Ads

Big Give Signage

Acrylic Signs

The Four Themes of Advent

Canvas Art Prints

A Christmas Carol

Cast T-shirt


MailChimp Email

Harrisburg Skyline

Outdoor Banner

Editorial Design

Bold and beautiful publications

Sensing God Brochure

2017 Lenten Program

Second Chronicles

September 2017

ABC Baseball

Children's Book

Web Design

Bold and beautiful web pages

Second Presbyterian

Wordpress Site

Laura Weinstein, PhD

Wordpress Blog

Anna Holt

Wordpress Blog

Briggson Building

Wordpress Site

Tiffany Boyer Photography

Wordpress Site

Logo Design

Laura Weinstein, PhD

Irish History & Politics Consultant

Second Presbyterian

Presbyterian Church

G Rentals

Harrisburg Rental Properties


Contemporary Worship Service

Celebrate the Arts

Performing Arts Series

Sparkle Counseling

Traditional & Experiential Therapy

Tiffany Boyer


The Columbia School of Music

Music School

Social Media & Photography

Graphics, Pics, and Posts

Contact Me