Please note: this isn't a live site. It has been retired, but it's still a good reference for reviewing my familiarity with building and maintaining church websites.
The keyword here is "inviting." Being in need of therapy can be difficult to accept; no one wants to be labeled with crazy or any other stigma. Moreover, it can be difficult to confide in a stranger. I designed this site with these and other fears in mind, and I believe it to be very in tune with the therapist's approach to treating patients.
In addition to crafting an inviting site, I thought it was important to invest some time in the therapist's forms. Personally I hate paperwork, and I wanted to make the enrollment process for new patients as painless as possible.
Goals for the site were simple. Most importantly, the site needed to be easy to update. It would have been a disservice to provide a developing talent with a site, which couldn't be easily updated to show professional growth, and I decided the best CMS option was Wordpress. Although I hadn't done a site in Wordpress before, I was familiar with its simple and intuitive interface and confident Ms. Boyer would be able to learn the things required to upload her latest photos. I also knew I would greatly benefit from the learning experience.
The second goal was to find a balance between professionalism and fun. I did not want to alienate Ms. Boyer or her potential clients, and I decided to use some icons for the site's navigation menu. They injected a touch of fun, allowing the site to stay true to Ms. Boyer's personality.
These banners were designed to help newcomers find their way to the location of a contemporary worship service.
HP Babyshower Invitation
A Harry Potter themed babyshower invitation
Directory Maps
Acrylic Signs
Directory Map Part 2
Love Poster
Valentine's Day Decoration
Carlisle Cares Banner
Comic Book Mural
Vinyl Wall Decals
When you're asked to help decorate for a Vacation Bible School program whose theme is super heroes, you happily oblige.
Welcome Banner
Feather Banner
The Four Themes of Advent
Canvas Art Prints
Second Presbyterian Signage
Building & Street Signs
Big Give 2018
Acrylic Signage
Like myself, Hinton James is an alumnus of the University of North Carolina. The first student to attend our university, he reached Chapel Hill on foot. Such a long journey is not unlike designing your first typeface. In fact, I am still perfecting this one...
Note: I could have included this elsewhere in my portfolio, but I have placed it with my other web work because I hope it will someday be used as a body copy font on the web.
Change is never easy. To best deal with its shifting priorities, Second Presbyterian adopted the five shifts: focus, sail, think forward, move outward, and expect transformation. These five shifts were paired with five symbols to make them easier to remember and understand.
For a more artistic representation of the five shifts, I adapted their icons into these five canvas prints.
Salvator Mundi
Photo Mosaic Print
Yeah, yeah, the software did the “real” work, but I thought of the concept, and what a concept it is. A literal illustration of what a church aims to be, this piece shows the actual members of Second Pres. gathered together to emulate Jesus.
Big Give Signage
Acrylic Signs
Anchored to the Rock
Christian T-shirt
Second Presbyterian Card
Business Card
Sermon Series Graphics
Multimedia Graphics
Genocide, Justice, & Hope
Outdoor Banner
Better Angels
Canvas Art Prints
A triptych designed to encourage human connection in our digital age, this art
installation consists of three canvases comprised of twenty-five different Christmas
Modern Nativity
Canvas Art Prints
Botanical Banners
Light Pole Banners
These banners decorate the parking lot at Second Church, making the meaning of "Grow with Second" clear. Second offers a spiritual life as vibrant and fruitful as the foilage on these banners.
TheBurg Ads
4.25" x 5.25" Print Ads
TheBurg is a popular free monthly magazine dedicated to telling the stories of Harrisburg's community. Advertisements within its pages have consistently yielded good results for Pine Street Presbyterian.
Stained Glass Window Postcards
4" x 6" Postcards
These postcards feature stained glass windows from Pine Street Presbyterian. During the COVID-19 crisis, they were mailed to congregation members to provided them with a little piece of their church home.
Harrisburg Skyline
Outdoor Banner
Demonstrating a commitment and appreciation for your local community is not just the right thing to do, it's the smart thing to do—doing so builds trust and loyalty with your target audience. That's why I drew the skyline of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in Adobe Illustrator and printed it on a 12' x 4' piece of vinyl. In person, the results were a little more dramatic than what you see here, but hopefully none of the sentiment has been lost in translation.
Victorian Violinist
Outdoor Banner
This banner was created to advertise the Columbia School of Music during Columbia's annual Garden Tour. The owner of the school loves all things Victorian, and the school's building is a renovated Victorian house, so all the design work for the CSM will be heavily infused with Victorian style.
Evolution Conference
PowerPoint Presentation
Botanical Backgrounds
20 Custom PowerPoint Backgrounds
A Christmas Carol
Cast T-shirt
The Rail Yard
8.5" x 11" Flyer
Specifically designed to attract University of Delaware students, this print ad uses the school's colors, blue and yellow, to signal to its target audience that The Rail Yard was built for them.
A graphics package of three 8.5" x 11" flyers that can be adapted or used as is to promote a career fair, this pdf was created with an emphasis on its calls to action.
No, I didn't write and illustrate this; all that work was done in 1885. Here's what I did: I stumbled upon this book while browsing the Library of Congress, and I decided I had to print a copy of it for my nephew, Albert, so as Han Solo would say, "I made a lot of special modifications."
The original's type was hard to read because it was thin and overlaid on top of the images. Well, I put a stop to that. I also enhanced the color. As much as I liked the vintage look, I thought all those dull colors were depressing. I made them bright, shiny, and new just like little Albie.
Like myself, Hinton James is an alumnus of the University of North Carolina. The first
student to attend our university, he reached Chapel Hill on foot. Such a long journey is
not unlike designing your first typeface. In fact, I am still perfecting this one...
Note: I could have included this elsewhere in my portfolio, but I have placed it with my
other web work because I hope it will someday be used as a body copy font on the web.
Please check with your printer as guidelines vary from company to company, but if you're an
customer, this downloadable design is already formatted for printing, using their template. (I have no affiliation
with, but I've used them in the past for print jobs, and I trust that they'll take good care of you.)
Please check with your printer as guidelines vary from company to company, but if you're an customer, this downloadable design is already formatted for printing, using their template. (I have no affiliation with, but I've used them in the past for print jobs, and I trust that they'll take good care of you.)
Need a good graphic for your social media page? I've got you covered. Plus, I promise I have range as a designer. I can do social media posts about anything. (These just happen to be religious ones.)
Inspirational Scriptures 2
Facebook Post Graphics
Need a good graphic for your social media page? I've got you covered. Plus, I promise I have range as a designer. I can do social media posts about anything. (These just happen to be religious ones.)
Inspirational Quotes
Facebook Post Graphics
Facebook is littered with trite posts. If I'm going the inspirational route, I like to mix it up with eye-catching videos and a variety of sources.
Jesus Banner
Free 2'x 6' Vertical Banner Design
Please check with your printer as guidelines vary from company to company, but if you're
customer, this downloadable design is already formatted for printing, using their
template. (I have no affiliation
with, but I've used them in the past for print jobs, and I trust that
they'll take good care of you.)
Please check with your printer as guidelines vary from company to company, but if you're
customer, this downloadable design is already formatted for printing, using their
template. (I have no affiliation
with, but I've used them in the past for print jobs, and I trust that
they'll take good care of you.)
In the 1870s, L. Prang & Co. printed these designs as chromolithographs. Determined to give a new generation the opportunity to appreciate their beauty, I restored their artwork and formatted them to be printed on 12" x 24" canvases. Of course, you may print them however you like, but I recommend
as they do great work at a great price. (I have no affiliation
with I simply recommend them, if you're unaccustomed to selecting a printer. I've used them many times in the past, and I've never had a bad experience.)
The download below includes all ten designs ready to print!
There are a lot of designs from the late 1800's that feature elaborate typography. I've taken my favorites and spruced them up, removing certain imperfections and enhancing other attributes. Now they're ready for new generations to enjoy!
Finding a quality printer willing to produce a handful of posters or prints can be difficult. So I'm recommending you save yourself the hassle by trying They offer competitive pricing for their work, and their shipping charges are reasonable. (I have no affiliation with In recommending them, a simplified printing process is my only goal.)
Finally, these designs are intended to be printed without a margin, otherwise known as full bleed, but always check your printer's guidelines before placing an order.
I wish more churches knew how to communicate effectively, but sometimes people don't even know where to begin. I created this handout for anyone who needs help getting started. It's designed to help identify a church's unique communication needs.
Social Media & Photography
Graphics, Pics, and Posts
Inspirational Scriptures
Facebook Post Graphics
Inspirational Scriptures 2
Facebook Post Graphics
Inspirational Quotes
Facebook Post Graphics
Digital Photography